The newsmaker profile series has showcased top long-term care figures of the last four decades.

Since early February, McKnight’s editors have presented profiles of more than two dozen top senior care newsmakers of the last 40 years. 

Monday will kick off the final flight of 10 in the series, which was created to observe the 40th anniversary of McKnight’s Long-Term Care News and its affiliated publications. It continues a proud tradition of McKnight’s delivering unparalleled perspective on long-term care 1980. 

The ongoing program has showcased both past and current LTC luminaries, highlighting leaders like former and current CEOs of the American Health Care Association, Bruce Yarwood and Mark Parkinson, respectively. There also have been assisted living pioneers such as Paul Klaassen and the late Granger Cobb, as well as an originator of the continuing care retirement community concept, John Erickson, who now has a college named after him. 

Researchers, influential advocates and plenty of other providers fill the roster loaded with figures McKnight’s has covered in-depth over the last four decades. See the profiles featured to date here.

Who is yet to come over the final 10 weeks? Be sure to check each Monday morning in the Daily Update e-newsletter and at