Too much social media use during work hours often leads to task distraction and a reduction in a nurse’s performance, finds a study of more than 460 nurses worldwide. 

Researchers at Hazara University in Pakistan conducted an online survey through 19 nursing Facebook groups, asking questions about nurses’ social media use, whether they became distracted from tasks when they hear social media notification alerts, how well they felt they self-manage themselves when it comes to various tasks, as well as their rates of task completion. 

While excessive social media use predicted greatest task distraction and decreased job performance, those who scored higher in self-management were able to reduce the negative impact of their social media use on performance.

The authors recommend that long-term care administrators ask nurses to limit their use of social networking sites while on the job, and also suggest that administrators organize training programs and psychological advisory sessions to help nurses understand the importance of reducing their use of social media at work.

Findings were published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing.