Preparations to observe National Skilled Nursing Care Week are fully underway for the May 12-18 observance. The theme is “Radiant Memories — A Tribute to the Golden Age of Radio.”

“More than nostalgia, ‘Radiant Memories’ is a call to honor the enduring legacy of skilled nursing care centers. In these centers, residents and staff contribute to the creation of radian memories, akin to the cherished moments shared through music and stories over the radio waves,” organizers said.

NSNCW was established by the American Health Care Association in 1967 and starts each year on Mother’s Day. It encourages operators around the country to host events that highlight individuals from the entire nursing home spectrum — residents, workers and volunteers among them — while adhering to infection control requirements.

The American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living is currently the largest long-term care provider organization in the United States. Comprising primarily for-profit operators, it lobbies on behalf of its members while also offering a full range of educational programs and opportunities.

NSNCW organizers request that providers share stories, photos, videos and celebration details by tagging them at @NationalSKilledNursingCareWeek on all AHCA social media platforms, including the NSNCW Facebook channel using #NSNCW.

More information for providers about the special week can be found at the event’s home page. A planning guide, marketing tips, gifts and products, and promotional logos are among the materials available.

Among the offerings, AHCA has curated activity ideas to help celebrate the theme of “Radiant Memories – A Tribute to the Golden Age of Radio.”

Providers are encouraged, for example, to tailor or expand some of these suggestions that can be customized to a center’s abilities and resources:

• Radio Story Hour — Host a story hour featuring conversations with residents and share nostalgic stories reminiscent of radio dramas. Consider sharing stories with StoryCorps, the largest collection of human voices and stories ever archived.

• Neighborhood Parade — Organize a small parade featuring local community groups and marching bands, and involve residents, families and staff.

• Community Mural Project — Collaborate with local artists to create a mural reflecting the essence of skilled nursing care, with contributions from residents and their families.

• Window Art Showcase — Encourage families and community members to decorate residents’ windows with cheerful and artistic displays.

Many other possibilities are also available and included in the materials offered at the website.