Widex Moment

Danish hearing aid maker Widex  is addressing one of the great unsolved challenges in the industry: No matter how good they sound, hearing aids still sound like hearing aids.

Users often complain about the “tinny” and “artificial” sound quality of hearing aids, which is produced when sound processed in the hearing aid reaches the eardrum a split second later than the sound that travels directly through or around the hearing aid’s ear-tip. It can make many users abandon their devices or limit their use.

Widex has eliminated that out-of-sync sound for patients with mild to moderate hearing loss with its launch of Widex Moment.

“Though the traditional hearing aid has made tremendous strides in areas such as speech intelligibility, active noise cancellation and more, a key frontier has been left uncharted — until today. Widex Moment doesn’t just allow you to hear better, it restores one’s sense of perfectly natural hearing, as you remember it before any loss occurred,”  said Lise Henningsen, global head of audiology at Widex.

The Widex Moment platform achieves this perfected hearing experience by leveraging two distinct signal pathways. The ‘classic’ Widex signal pathway is paired with a second ultra-fast signal pathway that adds extra gearing to the platform.

This Widex ZeroDelay™ Accelerator reduces the processing delay between microphone and receiver to below 0.5 milliseconds, enabling the two sound signals to meet at virtually the same time in the eardrum – thereby eliminating the artificial sound quality and creating a more natural sound experience.

Widex Moment is compatible with the SoundSense Learn smartphone app, which leverages breakthroughs in AI and machine learning to personalize hearing experience and create hearing programs based on a user’s typical environments.

Widex Moment  is available in 13 colors and six different styles.