Eosera Inc. said it will be expanding its earwax impaction product for nursing homes.

Excessive earwax is present for more than half the geriatric population, according to ENT Clinical Practice guidelines.

Eosera formed a partnership with VitalMedix Inc., which sells healthcare supplies to long-term care hospitals and nursing homes. The latter can purchase Earwax MD through VitalMedix.

“Hearing loss is indeed common among the elderly, but it is also largely avoidable in many cases,” said Elyse Dickerson, co-founder & CEO of Eosera. “Often, it is a direct result of severe earwax impaction, resulting from failure to keep the ears clean. In our ongoing conversations with healthcare professionals, we have identified this population as one that truly and urgently needs an effective solution to alleviate the discomfort related to earwax impaction, and they need it on premises.”