Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R) has cut 10 of the state’s 38 nursing home inspecting positions. The surveyor group monitors Iowa’s 442 nursing homes.

Rod Roberts, who leads the state’s inspections department, cited Iowa’s financial challenges as the reason for the reduction, the Chicago Tribune reported. Roberts added that other staffers in the Inspections and Appeals department could be trained to fill in the gaps left by the inspectors.

Branstad’s move, which was announced Tuesday, is coming under fire by state legislators and Dean Lerner, who preceded Branford as department chief. While campaigning for governor, Branstad said state inspectors often fine Iowa nursing homes unfairly. These comments drew accusations that Branstad was a pawn of the nursing home industry. Lerner told the Tribune that the remaining 28 inspectors will not be able to spend as much time at each facility after these cuts.