The Tulip Project/Facebook

Where flowers bloom, so does hope. A New York-based organization provided a little bit of hope to hundreds of nursing home residents in celebration of Mother’s Day. 

“We’re just hoping to brighten their day and show them that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel,” said Meghan Regan, founder of the grassroots group The Tulip Project, which provides gifts to nursing home residents to help them cope with the pandemic. 

In observation of Mother’s Day this year, the organization delivered flower bouquets to more than 300 women at three New York nursing homes over the weekend. The bouquets also included cards, crafts and decorations.

This is the second year the organization collected flowers and made the Mother’s Day delivery. Unlike last year, this time around the group got to make the trips in person.

“This year, it’s going to be in person, families are going to be able to hug each other, touch each other and hold each other’s hands and say, ‘Mom, I love you,’” Regan told local media over the weekend.

“Mom is actually going to be able to be there and have physical touch. It’s dramatically different, you just cannot compare this year to last year,” she added. 

We’re sure the flowers added even more sunshine to their day.