Excel Health has announced availability of its business intelligence solution for skilled nursing facilities. 

The company analyzed more than 1.25 billion claims across the care continuum to develop insights, which now include:

• Outcomes by major diagnostic category and Bundled Payment for Care Improvement category

• Average Medicare length of stay

• 30- , 60- and 90-day readmission rates

• Total cost of care across all patient settings

“The SNF market is under extreme pressure by healthcare networks and health plans to demonstrate the value they contribute to reducing the total cost of care and minimizing the risk of patient readmissions,” said Excel Health CEO Ian Juliano. “By working with some of the largest and most forward-thinking SNFs to develop our solution, we are able to solve two of the biggest challenges facing SNFs today: knowing how to efficiently grow their market share and reduce margin pressures in the value-based care economy.”

One provider said the need to have a readmission tool is critical in today’s era. 

The BI solution “provides access to current, accurate data in a very credible and powerful way, giving us the advantage in a competitive market where appropriate lengths of stay and low readmission rates are key,” said Keith Imbody of Nationwide Healthcare Services. 

The company also announced a partnership in May with KanTime Healthcare Software to bring the BI solution to KanTime home health and hospice customers. The goal is to help with the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM), industry-specific payment reform which goes into effect in January 2020.

“KanTime is always looking to partner with innovative industry leaders that continually add benefits to the post-acute marketplace; we found that in Excel Health and are excited about what we see as an ideal post-acute partnership,” said Sundar Kannan, KanTime’s founder and CEO.