Women of Distinction

Next week will mark the announcement of the first 2023 McKnight’s Women of Distinction Awards winning classes.

On successive days next week, McKnight’s will announce the winners in the Rising Stars (early career), Veteran VIPs (mid-to-late career) and Hall of Honor (executive) categories.

The fifth-year recognition program honors standouts in skilled nursing, senior living and home care. All past winners, broken out by grouping, can be seen here or by heading to mcknightswomenofdistinction.com and scrolling to the bottom.

Once again, the long-term care community delivered a record number of nominees in November, December and January. A respected, national, independent panel of judges studied the credentials, backgrounds and results of each and every one of the nominees before making their decisions.

After next week’s wave of announcements, there will be a brief pause before winners of the program’s Lifetime Achievement and Spirit categories are made public.

Everything will culminate May 22 at the historic Ivy Room in Chicago with an awards ceremony and banquet not to be missed. You don’t have to be a winner to buy tickets and attend. On the contrary. In the past, future winners, and just plain fans of good long-term care, have filled the audience and enjoyed a festive event. (Here are two examples of last year’s magazine coverage.)

More info on the program, the awards ceremony (full details coming shortly) and the all-time roster of winners can be found on the program website