Kelly Luzi Allan

We’ve made it our mission to educate caretakers – both professional and in the home – that urinary tract infections can cause dementia-related symptoms that worsen if undiagnosed.  

In long-term care facilities, UTIs account for the second most common infection and the most common cause of hospitalization for bacterial infection. Therefore, it is important for all caretakers – both professionals and those at home – to know the signs and how to treat infections properly, while also seeking to prevent them.  

Monitoring and diagnosis

The general population isn’t trained to see the signs of UTI onset.  Yet, for skilled nurses serving older adults in LTC facilities, diagnosis is an essential element to treating the infection and in fact, can be a matter of life or death. 

Sedentary lifestyle, dehydration, and inability to properly communicate all contribute to the challenges that older adults face in getting the timely care they need when infection hits.  Anyone who has suffered the onset of a UTI can recognize the “uh-oh” feeling that comes along with it. For older adults suffering from Alzheimer’s, other forms of dementia or other cognitive or communicative issues, the onset of a UTI can be harder to diagnose and becomes especially debilitating – leading to kidney damage and possibly even death. 


The good news is there are many options, especially for older adults with recurrent UTIs.  Staying hydrated, ensuring cleanliness and proper nutrition each aid in avoiding onset of a UTI.  We promote an easy preventative step with just a spoonful a day of our all natural “superfood” nutritional supplement (derived from cranberries, raspberries and blueberries) to keep UTIs at bay.  

Aside from tasting great and adding additional vitamins into the diet, the naturally derived D-Mannose attacks the E. coli bacteria that causes UTIs, and flushes it from the system.  It also leaves the body within 60 minutes without entering the bloodstream, with minimal risk of interacting with other drugs.

Active infection

Why go natural when there are antibiotic remedies? But we’ve all see the news of skyrocketing worldwide antibiotic resistance rates. Prescribing antibiotics to attack infections can strip the body of both good and bad bacteria.  

Based on the research, we are now one of the many companies that urge antibiotic caution.

Our hope is to make caregivers’ jobs easier so they are not playing catch-up on active and aggressive infections, such as UTIs.  We also want to support patients so they are not in a position where they are sick and unable to alert anyone to it.  

Unlike other over-the-counter symptom-only driven products, this natural alternative delivers D-Mannose to the source of infection and flushes that infection out.  I urge everyone who encounters this issue to consider it as an alternative to heavy antibiotics as a first line of treatment.

In fact, here’s a customer story that exemplifies the difference that taking a natural supplement can make:

After my mother turned 90 she began struggling with nearly constant UTIs.  She experienced weakness, confusion, and fatigue. Her doctor tried different routines of antibiotics.  Each time she got off antibiotics, a UTI would reoccur.  This year, she began taking Goodbye UTI daily.   During this period, she has not had a single episode. We have no doubt that Goodbye UTI is responsible for this freedom. At 95, quality of life is everything. Removing this health issue from her life allows her to stay active and engaged.

Kelly Luzi Allan, PharmD, is a pharmacist at Goodbye UTI.