

LincWare has partnered with CVT Software in order to distribute Admit+, the companies announced.

Admit+  is a digital management platform for resident admissions that involves analytics, decisioning, documents and signatures, increasing nursing homes’ ability to maximize reimbursements, promote compliance and improve the resident admission experience.

“The Admit+ platform is a powerful tool to ensure that personnel are capturing all the critical data at once, including signatures for the resident or power of attorney, at the point of entry into the facility and provides a standardized dashboard for collaborative care between departments,” said Darren Mathis, CEO of LincWare. “CVT Software is the optimal partner to distribute Admit+.”

Admit+ provides customized forms per the specific community, serving as a referral decisioning tool, contract generator and notification workflow engine, the companies said. Access can be given via a personal computer, tablet or mobile device.