Sherrie Dornberger, RNC, CDONA, FACDONA, executive director, NADONA
Sherrie Dornberger, RNC, CDONA, FACDONA, executive director, NADONA
Formerly a relief nurse I have now taken a position as a supervisor. I hear there is a new survey called “QIS.” What does it stand for and what is its purpose?
The QIS survey stands for “Quality Indicator Survey.” Picture the Wicked Witch from the “Wizard of Oz” and her crystal ball, looking at Dorothy. The surveyors now have a crystal ball. All of our MDS information is available to the surveyors. They will soon have laptop computers, allowing all of them to have access to the same information.
The survey has four main goals:
1. Improve consistency and accuracy of the survey process.
2. Comprehensively review more regulatory areas within current survey resources.
3. Enhance documentation through automation.
4. Focus survey resources on facilities with the greatest quality concerns.
There are distinct differences between traditional methods in the old survey, as opposed to the new QIS survey. Many DONs questioned agree that the new survey process is much more consistent because surveyors have formatted questions to ask the residents and the staff.
If you want to conduct mock surveys in preparation of your survey, use your Quality Indicators. This is the same information that the surveyor will have. Looking at your numbers, you can learn about residents with weight loss, falls, new medications, those on nine or more medicines, and sentinel events. You can pinpoint what surveyors will be looking for.