» New research has found that eye-tracking technology may make it possible to predict if people with mild memory and thinking impairments will go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Results were published in the journal Aging.

» University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers surveyed mood among 1,000 dementia patients — living either at home or in skilled nursing facilities — who had been given access to tablets loaded with apps for photos, music and videos. Overall, half the study participants showed an improvement in mood after their tablet sessions, and those living in skilled nursing showed the biggest mood improvements, largely because these participants were twice as likely to be in a negative mood before using the tablets. Results were published in JMIR Formative Research.

» Thirty nursing homes in Australia are piloting a new web-based app for coordinating local flu outbreaks. The FluCARE app continually analyzes data as it comes in, automatically triggering alerts when the criteria for an outbreak is reached; it provides nursing home staff with an action checklist to guide them through outbreak response tasks.