Sherrie Dornberger

I am trying to encourage some of my newly hired nurses who definitely show the early signs of becoming a great leader. Do you have any tips?

With the average age of the RN being near retirement age in the next few years, every nurse really needs to recruit someone into nursing.

I would suggest some simple things such as preparing and maintaining your up-to-date CV/Resume. Advance your credentials. It doesn’t mean you need to go back to a university right away. Consider taking some classes and earning certifications — any credentials, such as a Certified Director of Nursing, or an Infection Preventionist. Board Certified, Antibiotic Certification, Wound Care Certification or Diabetes Nurse Educator. 

Or, take a class online, and take some webinars online. (Like the ones
McKnight’s hosts for free!) Many others are free or low-cost, and award contact hours, which many states require for license renewal.

Hone in on your writing skills, consider writing letters to the editor, or submitting a manuscript to some journals. It is a great way to share your expertise and knowledge. 

Write a manuscript and get it published! Prepare a professional presentation. If you become wound certified, perhaps write a manuscript on a way you discovered to close skin tears, or how to prevent skin tears, and develop your vision. 

Think about the future, write some personal goals and post them where you can see them and update them.

Don’t forget to encourage those staff members who work with you that you notice something special about and/or the care they give. No one knows all that you go through in one day … except that/those person(s) consistently working by your side. We all could benefit from some encouragement!