McKnight's Long-Term Care News, March 2019, page 4, Scott Wilson

Q: Why do you think there needs to be more clarification for the Patient-Driven Payment Model related to reimbursements?

A:Clarification is important because nobody likes “unknowns.” Although PPS has flaws, it also has very distinct boundaries. PDPM, at this point, is full of unknowns, especially as it relates to therapy.

Q: Why are therapists worried about the change in minutes?

A:With change comes uncertainty. Depending upon what you read or to whom you listen, therapists are worried about job security, including hours needed and their rate of pay. 

Q: What should therapists be doing now?

A:I would encourage therapists to educate themselves on PDPM, Section GG of the MDS, and the increased emphasis on cognition. I would also encourage them to gain a better understanding of alternative modes of therapy, such as group and concurrent.

Q: Do you have any additional advice for nursing home operators?

A:I would like to see providers continue to use therapy as an integral part of the interdisciplinary team. It is vital in successful discharges, positive outcomes and decreased hospital readmissions.