The pro wrestling show put on by Woodland Skilled Nursing in Woodland, CA, might very well be the perfect activity for a nursing home facility.

It entertained residents, it attracted passersby to interact with the facility, it cost the facility nothing, the proceeds from concession sales will fund the staff Christmas party, and one of the wrestlers will return as Santa next month.

The facility’s activities director Jake Singh is also a wrestler with the company that set up the ring and provided wrestlers at no charge, Supreme Pro Wrestling. Singh is also now known to residents of the 91-bed facility as Bollywood Billionaire RJ Singh, and he was part of the three-hour, nine-bout show that accompanied the town’s 33rd Stroll Through History.

“They’re asking when it’s coming back,” Singh said. 

It was the second such show, said Singh. The first was during last May’s National Nursing Home Month, and Singh vowed that the two shows a year will be annual.

Singh said the facility typically had displayed antique items from the 110-year-old building’s history for the Stroll Through History proceedings, but decided to shake things up this year to draw a crowd.

“The ring was surrounded,” Singh said. “They loved it.”