VorroHealth said its KeyHIE Transform solution will let providers qualify for grant funds related to health information.

The grant is available through the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s Community Interoperability and Health Information Exchange (HIE) Program. ONC’s official funding announcement listed KeyHIE Transform as a low-cost software tool where a nursing home can contribute patient information to a Health Information Exchange.

The process is HIPAA- and PHI-compliant and works with or without an electronic health record system. VorroHealth partnered with Geisinger in 2013 to create KeyHIE Transform and developed it under the Keystone Beacon Community Program, a network of healthcare providers in Central Pennsylvania.

The Community Interoperability and HIE program will provide funding to up to 10 community organizations. The deadline to submit is June 15. For more information, see the application at  http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275875.