McKnight’s Long-Term Care News has won four national awards in the 2017 American Society of Business Publication Editors competition. They were presented Thursday in St. Petersburg, FL.

The McKnight’s editorial team brought home a Gold Award in online analysis and commentary for the Daily Editors’ Notes column. The three selected blogs were James M. Berklan’s “Another ominious sign on the LTC insurance front” (Sept. 5, 2016), Elizabeth Newman’s “How to handle residents that bully staff” (August 11, 2016) and Emily Mongan’s “Yes, you do need to prepare for transgender residents” (May 24, 2016).

Also winning Gold: The McKnight’s 2017 Industry Directory, a valuable resource for long-term care providers with contact information, trends and purchasing reports, in the online Buyer’s Guide category.

McKnight’s won a Silver Award for print news section, which highlights the November 2016 issue.

Rounding out the four is a Bronze Award for the McKnight’ web news section.

The national award follows the Upper Midwest Azbee Awards, held earlier this month in Chicago, where McKnight’s picked up five awards.

McKnight’s Senior Living won a national Silver Award for how-to tips/blogs and a Bronze Award for analysis and commentary blogs.